
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

350 million year old Crinoids advance molecular science
A new understanding of crinoid fossil pigment molecules could aid understanding of evolution and more.   Ohio State University geologists have been making fascinating discoveries analysing crinoid fossils in the lab.

Significant fashion

Catherine Walker, haute couture designer of many of the late Princess Diana's most elegant fashions, has died recently.
In her designs she liked to emphasise an elongated torso and created 1000's of outfits for the late Princess who with her classical, statuesque beauty, must have been a dream client .
 Catherine Walker's atelier in London was set up along french lines and she employed very talented people as tailors and embroiderers/decorative artists and designers to continue her studio.

Monday, September 27, 2010

your endorsement is wanted

I am applying to be on the ABC Advisory Council . If you have enjoyed my websites and wish me to succeed in my application why not contact ABC  Advisory Council and say so? I would really appreciate the endorsement of Australians, global ABC audience and potential tourists globally.

Contact ABC Advisory Council

The ABC Advisory Council,

c/o Board Executive Officer,

GPO Box 9994, Sydney 2001

Phone (02) 8333 5312

Fax (02) 8333 5482

Email: Click here

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Tourism Australia

 If you are a potential tourist to Australia and are in the upper percentile spending bracket are you more likely to visit Australia because a celebrity is paid millions to promote Australia to tourists or because you visited one of my websites?
 If the later, why not suggest to the Australian tourist authority that they sponsor my websites?  I would really appreciate your endorsement even if you dont feel like generously sponsoring my site yourself or are not an art buyer/investor of my Australian art.                 I really need international art investment for my worthwhile projects and there are nice places to stay and luxuries here to enjoy as well.    Be assured, you always have a contact in Australia and no matter who you are or where from, you will always be most welcome to invest in my projects in Australia and global.

Remaining Crinoids

Crinoids, as featured in previous posts are interesting animals related to starfish and found washed in with the tide on the beach. Alive they appear quite different than dead.  There are many different crinoids. The crinoids in these images have water bearing vessels which are white when alive and look quite dramatic against their blood red head. When dead the vessels are not clearly visible and the animal dehydrates in appearance and becomes more like the fossil forms discovered in deserts and other locations sometimes far from existent oceans but which once were seas.     Whilst in past golden eras of crinoids, they were hugely proliferate, crinoids are now not so common, but there are still quite a few kinds worldwide.    I have not discovered what kind of crinoids are in my images on this site.  Most of the crinoid information I find on the web relates to American,  Atlantic and Indian Ocean  crinoids. 
The crinoids in these images could have started off in Indonesia or Pacific Islands. I am not to know their origin.    I welcome any accurate  or telephone and leave a message please.             


Crinoids 4

Friday, September 10, 2010

Tristan and Isolde trees

Cataract Gorge park.
The trees in this image from my Cataract Gorge collection happen to be touching each other. In ancient Celtic legends such as Tristan and Isolde, the star crossed lovers are buried on opposite sides of a river to keep them apart even in death, but two trees sprout on the grave sites and grow interlocking branches across the river despite.

This outside link is about Tasmanian Devils, a delightful animal with extremely strong teeth.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sorry I couldn't be there

Cataract Gorge park.

Unfortunately I missed the ci2010 creative innovation event in Melbourne as I was unable to get sponsorship to attend.   However there is another conference in Paris in 2011 which I would also like to attend very much and the opportunity to fund my arts entrepreneurial projects is ongoing.   I am at :
and on the telephone in Australia:61 Tasmania :03 mobile:0488002412:

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

hidden kangaroos

Animals put up "Do Not Disturb"sign

Wilderness is the luxury hotel of the wildlife. Animals could be concealed in these images at Cataract Gorge park. You just can't see them easily. Thats the way they survive.

Crinoid link
Click the above outside link for detailed information about crinoid body parts and what crinoids eat.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Australian politicians-Do they need arts consultants?

     Yes you need an arts consultant!    In public life, politics, the corporate world, even as a private person_ if income permits_ you really do need an arts consultant.
     Many politicians who did not get as many votes as they wished, would have experienced improved results if only they had employed an arts consultant.  And political lobbyists also need to employ arts consultants.    And in the private sector an arts consultant is also an essential life enhancing, beneficial, indispensable asset.                               Not just an adjunct to the advertising and marketing budget, an arts consultant is the human element in the equation when you strive for achievement.
  Why not employ an arts consultant today and see the improvement in future percentages and appreciation of those far and close?

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*This site and contents are Copyright All Rights Reserved Annika Merchant* and may not be reproduced anywhere, in any form, for any purpose.

Domestic post modernist architecture

Domestic post modernist architecture
Door design circa 2009