
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Trees please-for ecosystem balance.

Vast stretches of suburban landscape denuded of large trees former habitat of raptors and owls which predated the rabbits and rats.  These dunes denuded for recreational vehicles should be covered in native plants.
Trees and native species are better than stumps and rats.   

Monday, July 26, 2010

CD images collection

Original copyright images of Tasmania domestic architecture, wildlife, sand mining damage and Crinoids.  Enquiries from publishers are sought for this collection.   Telephone: 03 0488002412.

Australia uncovered

Gardens, parks and spaces on the landscape in Australia sometimes synchronize with the architecture, speaking for past eras and invoking cultural identity and grace to landscape as perceived by future generations. Additional development can be questionable as this synchronicity is then thrown out. Adjustments to density can look very jarring. A sense of freedom and space is lost.
   Trees among the casualties of this.   A tree stump in the suburbs and urban environment is a very sad sight.   As is the uprooting of nature and covering over of earth for roads and surface paving.   
    How the earth manages to breath when 70% is covered over as in some metro areas, is a question.       People must consider this and try to leave maximum uncovered earth for potential plant life habitat.         Do drives have to be sealed?  Or areas cemented and paved around the buildings and houses?  

Marsupials and man

Bennetts Wallaby. At Cataract Gorge.       This wallaby and others are probably now placed in the park for tourists.     Having been largely exterminated by pressure of development, people and dogs so close to habitat.        Larger kangaroos are not around anymore.

Friday, July 23, 2010

LUX offers

            LUX magazine
 celebrities, design, ecology.
 Find out why Angelina Jolie      
  feels like a crinoid.       Plus Art Deco, Post Modernism, landscape, plants and animals.
Original digital images and fascinating new articles.  Top celebs and Australia's wealthiest scandals discussed with health, lifestyle, food, trees,clothes, pets and plants.

Angelina Jolie feels just like a crinoid

 Angelina Jolie likes her bath water just right - not too hot, not too cold, tabloids with spies in her bathroom reveal.  Crinoids probably feel the same way too.
  Crinoids have many similarities and differences to Angelina, Brad and the kids. Crinoids are related to starfish, have a gut alongside the mouth, no gonads, a stem, calyx, arms and other parts.  Many lived in past eras but are now extinct found only as fossils.
  Crinoids can be born attatched to a rock or something on the seabed substrate, and may later free themselves and go for a walk.     
 LUX magazine  encountered a bunch of crinoids entangled in a clump of elephant kelp.
Exclusive crinoid images copyright LUX magazine.

The Crinoids which LUX magazine had disintangled from the stranded kelp, flushed in ocean and arranged for imaging purposes were subsequently released into the outgoing tide and are hopefuly rescusitated fully from the dried up, beached state they were discovered in.

Crinoid clump visible as dark spot approximately lower central in image.
Crinoids have interesting water bearing vessels which appear white contrasting against the blood colored head. Like a bloodshot eye inversed.     
Crinoids observed in a plumper, longer stemmed state are depicted in a painting titled: Feeding The Children. _ at Aquamarine Art Gallery:

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

sand mining devastation

These images exemplify the role of coastal dunes and vegetation in preventing coastal erosion.
LUX magazine finds the Australian Government department of the environment and environment protection is effectively incommunicado; on the matter of sand mining in Tasmania on coastal reserves such as Blanche Beach. The environment department website has no contact info.     They state an intention to desist phosphate mining on Xmas Island which is good to hear, but no use to North East coast Tasmania beaches or elsewhere. Mining in these type of areas should never have happened. Why not stop such activities before more coastal habitat is lost to the sea because of sand mining.

sand mining devastation

from dead tree in foreground to vegetation in backround.  entire sand area is supposed to be vegetated dunes. Unfortunately the vegetation was removed and massive quantities of sand removed.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Australian sex and wealth styles

The very sad and apparently pointless murder earlier this year of Australian/American property tycoon Herman Rockefella exemplifies the incaution of pay for sex lifestyles.
        What a shame when Australia's wealthy people choose to finance the sex industry instead of the arts. Artists are forced to exist on meagre finances whilst swingers thrive off wealthy sex addicts.       If people would only spend their money on Australian art such as at:
they would be still alive and selfless benefactors of Australian art.    Wealthy people need other interests to spend money on than sex.    A healthy sex life should not require funding whilst art deserves and has to have funding to thrive.   
          Australians are stingy with arts funding and the government give more tax breaks and money to the sex industry.    Australia's wealthy probably spend more on sex in a month than the cost of one painting by an obscure Australian artist.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The luxury nature provides

Unspoiled beaches with kangaroos and native species of the locality are undoubtedly a great luxury and pleasure which humanity must be very careful not to interfere with and plunder for this would destroy it.
 For this reason I ask Conde Nast to please not name anywhere;  "the world's most beautiful beach."            When they awarded this accolade to one beach I know of, ruinous development accelerated thereafter.  Now the native trees that protected from wind buffetting during storms are gone from various hills and beaches developed as prime real estate with close built cement post modernism. The sea spray, sand and development grit downgrade the built structures rapidly as coastal wildlife habitat is paved and built over for the tramping feet.         The lonely real estate placade on the hill boasting Conde Nast recognition now seem tragic as they've tarmacked the sand gritted car park and replaced the standing stone barriers with harsh blue bollards.   And of course the thoughtless will remove the coastal vegetation they think spoils the view.  Actually, buildings  spoil the view of the trees.
       From a natural beauty spot to doggyworld and treechop land overnight.    With introduced rabbits dominating out kangaroos.
 Humans even construct aviaries of imprisoned birds in the midst of all this bird habitat destruction. Just lay off plundering the environment and you can enjoy a free, zero maintanance whole ecosystem aviary with birds to observe living as they are supposed to do, traversing large distances and flying freely in the skys and trees around you and the entire planet.   That is luxury.    Why sacrifice it for a few ignorant people's perceived profit?
   Sand mining of nature reserves to get building materials for luxury buildings far away is another unethical activity which has eroded coastal habitat at the world's most beautiful places.         Why dont goverments and councils prevent this?   This is theft of a valuable natural asset and irreplacable habitat.
  After one beach I know of was sand mined I noticed some of the birds are now absent.   The black type that did fantastic airial manouvers like formation flyers in the azure sky. Unsurprising as the coastal dune habitat and trees are now gone from that beach area as the aftermath of the removal of massive quantity of sand.
   Angelina Jolie, Keanu Reeves and Conde Nast please do not come to the beach any more. The presence of fame spells ruin.          Instead buy paintings at: Aquamarine Art Gallery

      where you may discover the wildlife now going extinct from the beaches and not to be found outside paintings.

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*This site and contents are Copyright All Rights Reserved Annika Merchant* and may not be reproduced anywhere, in any form, for any purpose.

Domestic post modernist architecture

Domestic post modernist architecture
Door design circa 2009